Are you worried about a loved one's drug or alcohol use?
When someone you care about is using drugs or alcohol, you know they have a long journey ahead of them.
The great thing about our services is that your loved one doesn't have to be in treatment with us for you to access our help.

There is help for you too.
Are you aged 18 or over and worried about another adults substance abuse? Are you aged 18 or over, use drugs or alcohol and want help? Are you a parent and using drugs or alcohol?
If they are aged 18 or over, they can access One Recovery Bucks, or call 0300 772 9672
Are you under 18 and affected by an adult's use of alcohol or drugs? Are you aged 18 or over and worried about a child's substance abuse? Are you under 18 and use alcohol or drugs and want help?
If under 18 they can be offered support by Young Addaction, or call 01296 331933